Hazrat Nooh ki kashti ka waqia | Story of Ark of Noah | Toofan e Nooh

2025-02-04 6

The prophet Nuh (known as Noah in English) is an important character in Islamic tradition, as well as in Christianity and Judaism. The exact time period when Prophet Nuh (Noah in English) lived is unknown, but according to tradition, it is estimated to be ten generations or ages after Adam. It is reported that Nuh lived to be 950 years old (Qur'an 29:14). Nuh was called as a Prophet to his people, sharing the universal message of Tawhid: believe in One True God (Allah), and follow the guidance He has given. He called upon his people to give up their idol-worship and embrace goodness. Nuh preached this message patiently and kindly for many, many years. The flood that destroyed the people of Nuh is described in the Qur'an as a punishment for people who disbelieved in Allah and the message brought by Prophet Nuh.
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Hazrat Nooh ka waqia
Hazrat Nooh ki kashti ka waqia
Hazrat Nooh Ali salam ka kissa
Hazrat Nooh alaihis salam
Toofan e Nooh story in Urdu
prophet Nuh
prophet stories in Urdu
asasul ambiya
qasasul anbiya
ark of Hazrat Nooh
ark of Noah
story of ark of Noah
flood of Noah
Discover ark of Noah
Ark of Noah discovered
Nooh ki kashti
Noah ki kashti
Hazrat nooh ki kashti
Toofan e Nooh
Second father of peoples
Flood disaster of Noah AS
Ark of nooh prophet
